Back to Paris and Milan fashion week, the happy days full of glamour and exciting shows, those days before we all woke up in a new world. The day, the only one day of my MFW was saturday, it was a day full of events from early morning to late evening, that day I do remember while I was at one presentation, the owners of the brand received a messege from the goverment of Lombardia saying something about closure ecc cause apparently that Covid19 was way too close to Italy. Before that day we all were thinking that ” it’s so far”, “it’s not going to happen to me”, “it’s just a crazy panic” and then it came so close that it’s still unbelievable even after two weeks now from the beginning of the isolation, the lockdown of our country. Now we live a different life, creating a new routine, trying to stay positive and mostly important, to stay home!
After an initial shock, I think it’s time to get back to something normal, to speak again about fashion, to dream again about travel and discover new places, get back to shoot even if it will be at home for a while. Cause yes, we are so lucky to stay home!

Speaking about fashion, all the shows and presentation I saw were all about looking back, looking back to the ’70s, one of my favorite times, and wow, I couldn’t choose a better look for MFW inspired by ’70s with beautiful Bijou Brigitte acrylic square earrings (similar here, more options here) and those big flower prints in sunset colors.
While during PFW, I wore something different, a new style trench and foulard on my head and shoulder and the most beautiful pearls from Bijou Brigitte wrapping my neck.
I’ve just made some stories about my jewelry closet and showed you how the jewelry can change the look and I think the both of these outfits gave a major example of that too. Just try to imagine everything without those details, as they say in italian, they add a character to the look.