My story with autumn was always pretty complicated. For years I was a huge and big fan only of warm seasons, there were for me nothing better than spring blooms and the hot summer sun.
But we all know that the things changes and also our opinions and preferences. So year after year, autumn has become my favorite season.
Beyond the fact it’s the fashion season, with all that glamour of parties and fashion shows, travels and life between Milano, Paris and New York. I love this season for it’s inspiring energy which make me want to start something new, reflect and live this season at full.
I picked up all my favorite things to do during autumn, hope that this post will inspire you to live this season at full!

The fresh air and all the golden leaves make me want to spend so much time outside, with my friends, doing picnics or spending the evening in a long talks in front of the fire. If your friends and you are a big nature lover and you are craving some adventures, it’s great to organize a walk into the forest at the research of mushrooms and truffles!

During my childhood I collect so many autumn leaves, of all colors and shapes. It’s a really relaxing hobby and these kind of bouquets will create a cozy autumn atmosphere in your home.

Have a walk and find a place with a beautiful view, just sit and relax, breath this fresh air and write down all your thoughts and new goals to archive.It’s really inspiring and productive.

This is the most inspiring moment of the year, and I always connected it to a new beginning, probably under the influence of all the past school years.
It’s a good moment to start and develop new projects and discover new hobbies. Just take that old camera with you for a walk and snap some picture, or start to paint or just finally read that book you’ve been want to read for the past year.

I love the smell and colors of autumn food! There are so much seasonal food as pumpkin, cinnamon, herbal tea, truffles and so many other goodies. I”m ready to eat and drink all day long! But when the weather is bad, and yeah it’s happen in autumn to have a week a non stop raining, so you can spend this time baking at home!
And no metter if you are not good in baking and you have burned all the cinnamon rolls, the good thing is that you create that ah-so-delicious smell in all your house!

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