One of the greatest thing of blogging is to be able to travel all around the world, like right now I’m writing you from my apartment in Paris, Paris!!!! The city I’m totally in love with, where I would love to have endless walks, wondering around, constantly snapping on my camera and jumping from one cafe to a bar for a glass of wine while watching the people passing by.
In the past two years I’ve been moving a lot around the globe and I feel so lucky and so happy because of this, cause traveling is probably my biggest passion, yeah yeah, you hear it correctly, even more than fashion (probably!)!
Next months will be very intense as the fashion week season is approaching, and after Paris, we will be back home, then NYC, Milan and Paris again.
As I’m not spending a lot of time with my family, I’ve planned a special trip at the end of the fashion weeks, where we all take the flight to my dream destination ( mmm, I want to surprise you!). A little clue that I never been there before and it’s not so far from Italy! Hmm, curious right?
In this occasion I’ve partnered with HipEscapes, I’m sure you already heard about it or about HipHotels which is from the same company.
If you don’t know about them yet, you will fall in love right now when I will explain you how does it works!
Basically it’s all about the social sharing, cause on their website after finding your favorite purpose for your next holidays or a weekend getaway, you basically share it on your social channels and get the discount for this!
Every share gives you a good discount between 5-20 euros so at the end you will have your getaway at a very good price and in an incredible place!
I cannot wait for the april to come!
For the moments I’m leaving you with some snaps of sunny Paris and don’t forget to check out HipEscapes to find a deal for your spring getaway!

Vintage jcaket, hat and blouse / Fabion Rusconi boots / Zara jeans / Hibourama bag
1 Comment
I loveee this outfit! And the light here is beautiful.
30 January 2017 at 4:18