For the past year I’ve been trying different beauty and skincare products in order to find my own beauty routine.
No need to say, that I’ve become a little beauty junkie and was really happy to get to know my skin better. These are my favorite products which I’m using this autumn and there is no better time to take care more of yourself when the climate is changing and the skin is under a stronger pressure.
Read more to get the whole list of my favorite products!

My beauty routine is made of different brands, but they works perfectly together and gives me amazing results!

It’s never to early to take care about this problematic are and this cream really do a great job! I love to massage the cream under my eyes with soft circular movements, it’s really give a relief also when the eyes are puffy or stressed after a luck of sleep!

This masque really made magic on my skin! I used to have pimple from time to time so I’ve started to use it twice a week and the skin problems become less and less frequent.

THE ORDINARY. “Buffet” serum + Rose hip cold pressed oil
( Europe )
I mix 2-3 drops of Buffet serum with 2-3 drops of Rose hip oil and apply on the face and neck before going to bed. They are very good products with a very short and simple ingredient list. And the price is really good, hardly their products are over 10 € and they don’t have anything less than expensive beauty brands.

THE ORDINARY. Salycilic Acid 2%
( Europe / US )
I use a few drops of Salycilic Acid when I feel the spot coming, and it really does a magic! Otherwise you can use it all over the face if you have a problematic skin or before for example, I use it before and during my period when the hormones are playing hard.

(US )
I’m obsessed with this products, it’s so good! And I’m so sad as I’m running out of it! This serum gives an amazing glow, so I use it before the make up and my skin looks amazing!
( US )
I keep this water always with me and use it in many many occasions, it’s such a luxury and fresh treatment which really wakes up the skin! I use it in the morning, but also during th flights to give to the skin that extra hydration and also during the day when I see my skin a little off.

I have a very dry lips which are getting worst this season. Even if I tryied millions of lip balms, I never found the one which was really working. But this one! It’s so so so good! I’m obsessed with it and the smell is so delicious!

Wow your beauty routine is so pretty! I’ve never heard of The Ordinary but I wanna give it a try now! I also can’t wait to try the Glossier products now they ship to the UK!
18 October 2017 at 15:12Shloka
The Glossier is so good! It’s also my first time so I got the tree items in a pack (cleanser, primer and lip balm) and love them all! The Ordinary is the best, the price is so good and the quality!!!!
19 October 2017 at 0:58interesting thanks for your post
22 February 2018 at 17:29