Good morning guys! Hope you are doing great!
Sounds so strange to talk to you directly as a long time ago when the only way of expression was this blog, without the all world of social medias who now kinda replaced the blog.
But I always loved so much this place, and I want to use it more frequently, giving here you all my advices and sharing all my thoughts and creative projects and photos as they last so much longer here.
Ok, after this introduction. Let’s talk a bit about style, fashion and evergreen summer pieces. For me it’s the dress, this item is probably the one which last the longest in my wardrobe. I never get tired of a good summer dress!
I wear them year after year and add some / a few / ok , a good number of dresses each year to my collection but without ever stopping to wear the others.
This dress I got last year on Asos, I was crazy for a bardot style dresses, they are so beautiful and sexy yet very refreshing. I love the yellow flower print it’s super joyful, is in’t it?

I still love this style so much! I have chosen for you some other dresses with the same style ( and for me 🙂 ) to create memorable moments this summer 2018!


A perfect place to wear new Bardot dress would be Montecarlo! I love so much this city, well not the whole city, but a part of it, a part which is pretty unknown but it’s actually the best. It’s the part of the old city which surrounds the Prince’s Palace.
All of those photos were taking there! The place is not big so get lost in the tiny streets and discover hidden gardens. I would suggest you this itinerary:
Start at the Musee Oceanographic, it’s really worth a visit! Then go out and go into the park which follows the sea, it’s always full of flowers and has an incredible view over the sea. At the end of the park there is a stunning view over Fontvieille. Then visit the Church where Grace Kelly were buried. Then follow the tiny streets to the Prince’s Palace and back inside and follow the left side till the police station, there is an arch to enter a back garden, a hidden gem where there is always nobody except birds and bees on flowers, an incredible view over the port!

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