The fashion weeks are done and I’m back to business as they said. Even tho the fashion week is my main business it leaves a very little bit of time to dedicate to the blogging, as it a continuos rush from one place to another, trying to keep up with all the re-sees, fashion shows, appointments and presentations. It’s one of those moments, lasting for few weeks, that at the end leaves you totally exhausted but also in that sort of excitement and adrenaline, that the day after everything is finished you feels so strange, at the same time you want to take a very deep breath, do not move from your bed for at least next 48hrs and also aimlessly cause you are back to a routine so much slower that it feels strange.

Fashion week is always the moment for the coolest outfit! I’ve always wanted to dress up authentically also during this moment of the year, with something I feel not only comfortable with my aesthetic but also physically comfortable so warm clothes if it’s cold outside, a bag to contain all the necessities and heels comfy enough to walk all day long ( or stand or sit whatever ).

So I always play around the styling, some interesting pieces or color combinations and trying to include some upcoming trends, cause these looks ends in the magazine as inspiration for dressing and styling for the next season.

I like to explain how I start my looks, everyone has it’s own way, that could be constant or change from time to time. You can start a look with an idea in mind, a mood, a photo of your icon, a trend or a piece from your wardrobe.
You know, that I’m pretty colorful girl, yes, you all know 🙂 So I’ve started this look with the idea to create something colorful, bold, a color block but without any print, just plain colors, mostly primary colors.
If you are up for a colorful look, here are some tips to avoid mistakes in this kind of stylist. First of all, which colors to use, the primary colors works perfectly together ( at least use also the secondary once), use items with plain colors, avoid any print! Keep it simple with accesories, note also the sunnies recalling the red of the pants as well as the stones of the belt. If you are opting for a colorful look, keep it around 3-4 colors, it’s like keep it simple and if you are opting for bold colors don’t mix them with other shades as pastel once and viceversa.
And this is what the result looks like! But at the end, don’t be afraid to experiment, to try new things, to try and to make mistakes, fashion and the whole life is just about that. We are humans with our own personalities, ideas in mind and feelings. The way we dress it’s a way to express all of that, thats why I don’t see the dressing just as a dressing, trends, new things ecc, I love the approach the people have to style, to mix colors, to mix brands cause it says so much about us, and it’s so curious for me.

Vintage mohair jumper / Etro crepe de chine silk pants / Manu Atelier bag ( exactly mine here ) / Sebastian ankle boots
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