In a February afternoon during the Milan Fashion Week, I had the opportunity to take a part of a super exciting project organized by Safilo with the name “Physical Expressions of Digital Leadership-The Color Edition”.
It ‘s been a long time now, and I was waiting so bad for the photos taken by Simone Falcetta and here they are finally, and what to say … they’re just incredible arent they?
It ‘s been a long time now, and I was waiting so bad for the photos taken by Simone Falcetta and here they are finally, and what to say … they’re just incredible arent they?
This is the second season for Safilo to do a similar project which intent is to show you guys the person behind the blog, portraying them in a beautiful portraits. But while the first time the photography was focused on the idea of naturalness and simplicity, this time the guide lines are the color and the pop art of Andy Warhol.
The color used for the photos was chosen depending on the color of the sunnies I’ve worn for shots, two incredible models from Marc by Marc Jacobs collection, one in pink with mirrored lenses and the other in a delicate mint green.
It was a really exciting and interesting project, completely different from the ones I participated till now, but I cannot be more happy and thankful for having been able to take part of it. Working with a professional photographer in a studio is an experience that I had not tried yet, and I confess that I was quite embarrassed, but the euphoria of the moment and the excitement took over and the result is just amazing !
There are two shots, I love them both, but which one is your favorite?
ps: Don’t miss the video here!
In un pomeriggio di febbraio durante la settimana della moda milanese ho avuto modo di partecipare ad un progetto a dir poco entusiasmante organizzato da Safilo.
E’ passato parecchio tempo ormai da allora, e con grande impazienza aspettavo le foto scattate da Simone Falcetta ed eccole finalmente qui, e che dire…sono semplicemente incredibili non è vero?
Questa è la seconda stagione che Safilo realizza un progetto simile, ma mentre la prima volta la fotografia si basava sull’idea di naturalezza e semplicità, questa volta è il colore e la pop art di Andy Warhol ad essere protagonisti. Il colore utilizzato per le foto è stato scelto in base a quello degli occhiali che ho indossato per gli scatti, due incredibili modelli di Marc by Marc Jacobs, uno in color rosa con lenti specchiate e l’altro in un delicato verde menta.
E’ stato un progetto davvero coinvolgente ed interessante, completamente diverso da quelli a cui ho partecipato fino ad ora, ma non posso essere più felice e grata per aver potuto prenderne parte. Lavorare con un fotografo professionista in uno studio è un esperienza che non avevo ancora provato, e vi confesso che ero decisamente imbarazzata, ma l’euforia del momento e l’entusiasmo hanno preso il sopravvento e il risultato è a dir poco incredibile!
Ci sono due scatti, io li amo entrambi, e voi quale preferite?
sunnies: Marc by Marc Jacobs
photographer: Simone Falcetta
make up: Deborah Sasso
special thanks to Safilo and Attila&Co
This is completely a gorgeous work, I'm loving the most the first one.
24 March 2014 at 11:08
Amazing!! I love the second one!
24 March 2014 at 13:25Such an amazing work! Looove the first one! Good job <3
24 March 2014 at 17:35New Post: Spring Pants
xoxo, Claire from Vancouver, Canada
25 March 2014 at 9:41Amazing pics!!!
Would you like to follow each other? Let me know!
25 March 2014 at 17:00<3
25 March 2014 at 17:12Very nice
I love the first one (after the text) better 
26 March 2014 at 18:27